Problem Solving Skills for Product Manager
Everyone is aware that Product Management is mostly about solving the problems but anyone who is breaking into a PM, mostly focuses on the solution i.e. HOW and WHAT to build, and not WHY?
If I will explain, it will go in this manner;
Many new PMs confuse themselves with finding the solution rather than understanding the problem. So, you need to do the following steps:
Step 1: WHY?
- Know the problem
- Understand whether it is worth solving (will it benefit the product/organization in any form).
- Understand what metrics will it change.
- If the problem deserves to be solved, break it down and dig into it
- Now, you’ll be able to understand the WHY of the problem.
- Then comes the later part i.e. HOW it can be solved.
Step 2: HOW?
- The problem can be solved either via UX or via improving the algorithm (code) or both.
- Create a Product Note (Research Note) on the solutions.
- Brainstorm with peers for the solution.
- Once you’ve something concrete, move to the WHAT to be done.
Step 3: WHAT?
- Now, you can involve the Designers as much as possible for solution feasibility.
- Define WHAT to be built in the form of a User Story.
- Groom the User Story with devs to remove most of the edge cases.
- Your WHAT i.e. Solution to the Problem is ready.
It’s always a Golden Circle of WHY, HOW, and WHAT for Problem Solving skills.
And More;
If you are looking to break into the PM role, I am offering a free consultation to Aspiring Product Managers
And if you are working as a Product Manager and want to guide your peers who want to break into PMing, you can start using topmate to connect with my followers to guide & mentor them. And I’m loving it! You should start too! Just use my referral link to get 20% extra on all your earnings for 1 month. I think your followers will love your guidance.